Warm Up
「接続詞:although & even though」 VS. 「前置詞:despite & in spite of」
althoughとeven thoughの後には必ずS + V 節(主語+述語)が続きます。
despiteとin spite ofの後には必ず名詞節が続きます。
(Although / Despite) it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.
(Even though / In spite of) all my careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.
(Although / Despite) I had planned everything carefully, I missed my connecting flight.
I love music (even though / in spite of) I can’t play a musical instrument.
(Although / Despite) being very tired, we carried on walking.
The heating was on high, but (even though / in spite of) this the house was still cold.
Keith decided to give up his job, (although / despite) I advised him not to.
(Even though / In spite of) the light rain, the baseball game was not canceled.
Today’s Scene

Useful Expressions 1
“…those people weren’t looking at me. They were looking at someone I put on, like a costume.”
「聴衆が観ていたのは誰かを装った私 コスチュームを着たみたいに」
ここで使われる ‘like’ は言いたいことを何かに例えて伝えたい時によく使われる表現です。
例えばこんな感じで …
「グッドシンガーになりたい」と言いたい時、グッドシンガーといえば故マーヴィン・ゲイだと思うなら… I want to be a good singer like Marvin Gaye (was). 「マーヴィン・ゲイのようなグッドシンガーになりたい」
「何か塩っぱいものが食べたい」と言いたい時… I’m in the mood for something salty like Salad Hope. 「亀田製菓の『サラダホープ』が食べたい気分だ」
「バケーションでトロピカルな場所に行きたい」と言いたい時、トロピカルといえばバリ島やマダガスカルだと思うなら… I want to go someplace tropical on my next vacation, like Bali or Madagascar. 「次のバケーションではバリ島やマダガスカルみたいな場所に行きたい」
Activity …
I want to do something fun, like …
It’s going to be cold tomorrow. You should wear something warm, like …
I want to stay home and do something relaxing, like …
I want to seat something healthy tonight, like …
Useful Expressions 2
“I mean, if I don’t have a personality of my own, so what.”
So, whatはインフォーマルな言い回しで “I don’t care” や “It’s not important”の意味があります。
so what’ を文頭に置く場合は、後にifから始まる文章を続けることがあります。
「もし〜だったとしても そんなことどうでもいい」というように
So what if I’m 35 and single. I’m perfectly happy with my life.
I’m 35 and single. So what? I’m perfectly happy with my life.
A: You know, Marie, most women your age are already married. B: So what? I’m not interested in what other women my age are doing. I’m perfectly happy with my life.
“so what”を使って下記の文章を言い換えてみましょう
I don’t care if you made plans to meet your friends. You haven’t finished your homework yet, so you can’t go to the park.
I didn’t do the laundry. That’s not important to me. I cleaned the house, I did the grocery shopping, and I cooked dinner. I’ll do the laundry tomorrow.
You don’t like the logo that our customer chose? Your opinion isn’t important. The customer is always right. You know that.
I don’t care if you are sorry. That doesn’t change anything.
A: Why don’t you have a glass of water? B: Why? A: I think you’ve had too much to drink. B: I don’t care. Tomorrow’s my day off. Just give another beer. A: Suit yourself.
ドリスがマリファナを吸ってちょっとおかしくなったと話すラルフのセリフに” she took her top off”という表現があります。
Useful Expressions
This one time, I had too much to drink in (Tokyo) and I …
Once, my friend drank too much (Tequila) and …
When I was in my twenties, I …