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11/17(金)のレッスンでメンバーから複合関係詞(compound relative) whateverの使い方について質問が上がりました。Elliotさんから詳しい説明が届いたので共有します。英文法の参考書(Forest : Comprehensive Grammar for Learners of English 第7版)を参照した結果も併せてまとめました。


質問:下の文でコンマを使わなくてもOK? また入るのはなぜ?


He is always relaxed, whatever the situation.(どんなときでも、彼はいつもリラックスしている)








Whatever you do is right. (あなたがすることは何でも正しい)



You can order whatever you like. (好きなものを何でも注文していいよ)※”whatever you like”が”order”の目的語


問題文の”whatever the situation(どんな状況でも)”は主節ではありません。したがってコンマが必要です。※主節は”He is always relaxed(彼はいつもリラックスしている)”






Whatever happens, I will always love you.(何が起ころうとも、あなたのことをいつも愛しています)



Whatever you do, don't burn the toast. (何をするにしても、トーストを焦がさないように)


問題文の”whatever the situation(どんな状況でも)”は”He is always relaxed(彼はいつもリラックスしている)”を修飾している(詳しく説明している)副詞節です。したがって、コンマが必要です。


I was also thinking about this on my way to work this morning. What I came up with is examples that use the conjunction 'when'.

  • He is always relaxed when I am with him.

  • He is always relaxed when watching movies.

In these examples, the man that is the subject of the sentence is always relaxed. He is only 'always' relaxed during the moments described. So the main sentences in these examples are conditional. We could also say, If I am not with him, he is not relaxed. Or, if he is not watching movies, he might not be relaxed.

But in the sentence from last week's lesson, we have a complete and very definitive base sentence. He is always relaxed. There is no conditional situation attached to this sentence. As a result, the clause whatever the situation continues to explain and emphasize his relaxed state.

Therefore, it must be offset with a comma.

  • He is always relaxed, whatever the situation.

  • He is always relaxed, no matter the situation.

  • He is always relaxed, in any situation.

  • He is always relaxed, even in high pressure situations.


All of these sentences work the same way.

Whatever by Oasis

"Whatever you do, whatever you say, I know it's alright"


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