『リコリス・ピザ』Lesson 1(復習編2)。10歳違いのアラナとゲイリーが初デートするこの場面のもう一つのおもしろさは、約2分30秒の間にアラナのゲイリーに対する気持ちが変わる様子です。なにしろアラナの最初のセリフは「やめて!」「あなたの鼻息荒い!」ですからね。ゲイリーはそんな彼女の態度を全然気にしません。常に正直にありのままの自分で接します。信じがたいバックグラウンドのゲイリーに対してアラナはずっと猜疑心を抱いたままです。それがある時点で突然変わります。
Next time?(次?)
I’m taking you to the Mikado next time.(次は“ミカド”へ行こう)というゲイリーの誘いに対するアラナの反応です。このセリフはどんな気持ちから出てきたのでしょうか? Elliotさんに聞いてみました。
I think she's surprised that he's already thinking about a next time. For Alana, she thinks that she's too old for him and that this is a one and done event. She's not thinking about the future. But Gary is, and he's doing so in a very serious and calculating way, so I think she's just surprised and her question is showing her surprise. If I remember correctly, her intonation might also suggest a bit of flattery.
Yeah, the food’s magnificent.(そうだよ 料理が最高なんだ)とゲイリーは無邪気な表情で答えます。そんな彼を見てついにアラナは心を開きます。
You’re sweet, Gary.(あなた 優しいのね)
ここでアラナが言うsweetはどんなニュアンスなのでしょうか? 日本語に訳すとしたら?
This will probably be difficult to explain in Japanese, but sweet is often used when someone has kind intentions and is acting in a romantic way to flatter someone. It can also be used to suggest that someone is young, but it doesn't have to be used that way. I think that it tends to be used to describe men more than women, but I could be wrong. I’ll have to check.
I think she is saying that she is flattered by Gary’s attention and his interest in her. Also, because he shows genuine interest in who she is by asking questions about what she likes and what her future plans are, she thinks he is sweet, as opposed to just being on the prowl for sex.
In that sense, 優しい might be a suitable translation.
「ぼくがいなけりゃ 君はまだ学校で生徒の写真を撮ってた」