Warm Up
新潟では今週が桜の見頃でした。今回のWarm Upは「お花見(cherry blossom viewingと訳されますが、日本の文化を知らなければピンと来ないかもしれませんね)」についての会話です。話のきっかけとして、まずはこんな質問をしてみましょう。

Do you like to look at the cherry blossoms when they are in bloom?
Where do you like to go and see (them) the cherry blossoms when they are in bloom?
Do you ever have picnics under the cherry trees (when they are in bloom)?
Do you ever picnic under the cherry trees (when they are in bloom)?
Have you done anything special to enjoy the cherry blossoms this year?
Have you had a picnic under the cherry trees yet this year?
Have you already picnicked under the cherry trees this year?
What is your favorite place to go and see the cherry trees in Niigata when they are in bloom? *picnic can be used as a noun (have a picnic) or as a verb
Today’s Scene
サム、ジョナ、そしてドクター・マーシャによる会話はとても愉快で引きつけられます。イングリッシュ・ネイティブスピーカーだったらどこで笑うでしょうか? 想像しながらこのシーンを観てみましょう。

Useful Expressions
I have no doubt that you’re a wonderful father. You know, you can tell a lot from a person’s voice. (あなたはとてもいい父親ね 声で人柄が分かるの)
You can tell a lot from …
You can tell a lot from looking at the inside of a person’s car.
You can tell a lot from a person’s handwriting.
You can tell a lot from the way a person walks.
You can tell a lot from a person’s handshake.
Your Turn
You can tell a lot from…をつかってオリジナルのセンテンスを考えてみましょう
1~4の例文に当てはまる人物が身近にいれば、具体的にどういう点でそう思うのか話してみましょう 例えば… The first time I met my friend, Mike. He wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to me. I took one look at his handwriting, and I knew that he was an unorganized person. You know, you can tell a lot from a person’s handwriting. 初対面のときマイクがくれた手書きの電話番号を見て、ちゃんとしてない人だと思った。書いた字で人柄が分かるでしょ
Useful Expressions 2
How long ago did your wife die? (奥さまが亡くなったのはいつ?)
このように過去に起こった出来事をピンポイントで言う場合は【過去形】を使います。 なおHow long ago did youのあとに続くのは動詞の現在です。
過去に起こったことが今も継続している場合はHow long have you studied English? のように【現在完了形】を使います。
How long ago did you start studying English?
How long ago did you graduate from high school?
How long ago did you learn (how) to ice skate?
How long ago did you …と下記の例文を組み合わせてパートナーと会話してみましょう
learn (how) to ride a bike
start taking this class
have your first cup of coffee
visit Tokyo for the first time
talk to your best friend
I want you to know that your son called, and he asked me for some advice on how you might find a new wife.(「どうやったらパパに新しい奥さんが見つかるかアドバイスが欲しい」って息子さんが番組に電話してきたのよ)
もしサムが新潟に住むシングルファーザーで新しいワイフを募集中だとしたら、何とアドバイスしますか? 以下の表現を使ってアドバイスを考えてみましょう
You should …
put an ad in the newspaper.
stand on a street corner with a sign that says, “I’m a nice guy with an eight-year-old son, and I’m looking for a new wife. Honk your horn if you’re interested.”
Why don’t you …
put an ad in the newspaper.
stand on a street corner with a sign that says, “I’m a nice guy with an eight-year-old son, and I’m looking for a new wife. Honk your horn if you’re interested.”