Reading / 並べ替えにチャレンジ
「ゴールデンウィーク」の語源については諸説ありますが、下記はそのひとつです。文章を読みながら3つの並べ替え問題にチャレンジしましょう! う~ん、むずかしい!
“Golden Week”
In the 1940s, many people didn’t have TVs. They had radios. So, in their free time, they listened to the radio.
[ most / people / when / time / the / the ] listened to the radio was called “Golden Time”.
Between April 29 and May 5 of 1951, many people went to the movies. In fact, more people went to the movies [ week / before / during / ever / than / that ].
Borrowing from the term “Golden Time” that was used to describe [ day / hour / which / the / of / the / in / most / the ] listeners tuned into the radio, a manager from the Daiei Film Company decided to call this week “Golden Week”.
He did so because it was the time of year when the most people went to the movies. Somehow, the name stuck, and that is why “Golden Week” is called “Golden Week.”

使える表現 1 “no longer”
“Details are few, but you can be sure that we no longer possess the technological advantage.”(詳細は不明だが、もはや我々の技術的優位性は崩れた)
We definitely don’t have the technological advantage any more.
don’t と any moreをno longerに置き換えたのがベイツ少将のセリフです。
Starbucks isn’t selling sakura flavored drinks anymore. Starbucks is no longer selling Sakura flavored drinks.
Students don’t have to wear masks to school anymore. Students no longer have to wear masks to school.
We can’t play soccer in this park anymore. We can no longer play soccer in this park.
Your Try
以下の文をno longerを使って言い換えてみましょう。またはオリジナルの文を作ってみましょう
The doctor told me that I can’t drink coffee anymore.
You aren’t allowed to ride your bike to school anymore.
There won’t be any free sandwiches for you anymore.
I’m not training for a marathon anymore.
使える表現 2
“Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box.”( 勝利は今までにも増してコクピットの男女諸子にかかっている)
このnow more than ever(今まで以上に/かつてないほどに)は文章の間に挟んでいろいろと使える表現ですよ。例を見てみましょう。
You are a third-grade student in junior high school. Now more than ever, studying is important for you.
Considering the current state of the economy, now more than ever, you have to be careful of the way you spend your money.
For some reason, my daughter, now more than ever, wants to go to Tokyo Disneyland.
Last year, my friend lost his job. Recently, he found out that his wife is pregnant with twins. Now more than ever, he needs to find a job.
※now more than everの後には下記のパターンが続くことが多いです
【動名詞】 …【be動詞】 【形容詞】 for 【人】.
have to / has to
want to / wants to
need to / needs to
『トップガン』(1986)と『トップガン マーヴェリック』(2022)に登場するパイロットは「コールサイン」を持っています。他人からつけてもらうニックネームのようなものですね。その人の特徴をからかうようなニュアンスを含む面もあります。この映画の中では各パイロットの個性を表現する重要な役割と言えるでしょう。ちなみにmaverickは「独立独行の人物」や「一匹おおかみ」を意味します。
Top Gun 1 call signs: Maverick, Iceman, Goose, Viper, Cougar, Jester, Wolfman, Sundown, Slider, Hollywood
Tog Gun 2 call signs: Rooster, Hangman, Phoenix, Payback, Fanboy, Bob
Discussion Topics
あなたがトップガンのパイロットだったらコールサインは何だと思いますか? その理由は? 解答例: -My call name would be Mirror Ball because my head is shiny and round like a mirror ball, and because I am good at copying the movements of other people. In other words, I can mirror what they are doing.
トップガン マーヴェリックに登場するキャラクターに付けられたコールサインの理由は何だと思いますか? 解答例: -I think that Rooster’s call sign means he is good at motivating and waking people up. I also think that his call sign is related to his father’s call sign, which was Goose.