Cinema Englishの新しい試み
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【Kiss of the Spider Woman『蜘蛛女のキス』第2回目のクラス】
generous greedy
kind mean
affectionate cold
trustworthy untrustworthy
open guarded
forgiving vengeful
free-spirited self-conscious
fearless / brave fearful / cowardly
続いてタイトルにあるSpider Womanの意味について話し合いました。
ヒントになる以下の文章を読んで、自分の考えに一番近い答えをA. B. C.から選びます。
The Black Widow is a poisonous spider found in the Americas that is known for eating its male counterpart after mating. For this reason, a woman who kills her husband or lover is sometimes called a Black Widow.
The Navajo are a tribe of Native Americans whose origins are possibly connected to South American tribes. In Navajo mythology, the Spider Woman is a figure who is considered the constant helper and protector of humans. Additionally, the Spider Woman is said to cast her web like a net to capture and eat misbehaving children.
When thinking about the title of this movie, which of these two interpretations of Spider Woman do you think is more appropriate?
A: Do you think the title is referring to a female figure that kills her partners?
B: Do you think the title is referring to a helper and protector of humans?
C: Or do you think that neither of these interpretations apply to this movie?
さらにヒントとなる下記の会話(原作小説より)を読んで、Kiss of the Spider Womanというタイトルについて別の解釈ができないか考えました。
In the book, Molina tells Valentin a story about a Panther Woman. In this story, a man and woman fall in love and get married, but the husband is not allowed to kiss his new wife or even make love to her because she is afraid that she will turn into a panther if kissed by a man and then kill the man who kissed her.
When Molina asks Valentin for a goodbye kiss, the two have this conversation.
Molina: I’m curious … would you feel much revulsion about giving me a kiss?
Valentin: Mmm … It must be a fear that you’ll turn into a panther, like with the first movie you told me.
Molina: I’m not the panther woman.
Valentin: It’s true, you’re not the panther woman.
Molina: It’s very sad being a panther woman; no one can kiss you. Or anything.
Valentin: You, you’re the spider woman, that traps men in her web.
Molina: How lovely! Oh, I like that.
あなたは、Kiss of the Spider Womanというタイトルをどう解釈しますか?