『フォロー・ミー』レッスン1では、Warm Upとして映画のモチーフである「結婚」にちなんだクイズをやりました。

アメリカの雑誌『マッコールズ』1958年版に、「129 WAYS TO GET A HUSBAND(夫を手に入れる129の方法)」という記事が掲載されました。
Get a __________ and walk it.
Have your __________ break down at strategic places.
Attend a night _________ — take courses men like.
Join a __________ club.
Look in the census reports for places with the most __________ men. Nevada has 125 males for every 100 females.
Read the obituaries to find eligible __________.
Take up __________ and go to different __________ courses.
Take several short __________ at different places rather than one long one at one place.
Sit on a park bench and __________ the pigeons.
Take a __________ trip through Europe.
Get a job in a medical, __________, or law school.
Become a nurse or an airline __________ — they have very high marriage rates.
Ask your friends’ husbands who the eligible men are in their __________.

Get a dog and walk it. (犬)を飼って、散歩させる
Have your car break down at strategic places. 自分の(車)を計画的にねらった場所で故障させる
Attend a night school — take courses men like. 夜間(学校)に入る - 男性の好きなコースを受講する
Join a hiking club. (ハイキング)クラブに入る
Look in the census reports for places with the most single men. Nevada has 125 males for every 100 females. 国勢調査で(独身)男性が最も多い場所を調べる。ネバダ州は女性100人:男性125人
Read the obituaries to find eligible widowers. 訃報記事を読んで、対象となる(男やもめ)を見つける
Take up golf and go to different golf courses. (ゴルフ)を始めて、いろいろな(ゴルフ)コースに行く
Take several short vacations at different places rather than one long one at one place. 一か所で長い(休暇)を取るより、いろいろな場所で短い(休暇)を取る
Sit on a park bench and feed the pigeons.
Take a bicycle trip through Europe.
Get a job in a medical, dental, or law school.
Become a nurse or an airline stewardess — they have very high marriage rates.
Ask your friends’ husbands who the eligible men are in their offices.
では最後に今日の一曲。1976年2月にビルボードHot 100で3週連続1位になった名曲ポール・サイモンの『恋人と別れる50の方法』50 Ways to Leave Your Loverです。
