A person who displays odd behavior and suffers from irrational anxiety or obsessions is ( ). A) neurotic B) unstable C) dilettante
A man who claims to be interested in being monogamous but has multiple sexual relationships with several women on a regular basis is ( ). A) womanizer B) theatrical C) dilettante
A person who thinks he/she is very important and/or more talented and smarter than everyone else is often described as being ( ). A) theatrical B) egotistical C) unstable

正解A: neurotic[神経過敏な人] 問題文訳:奇妙な行動を示し、不合理な不安や強迫観念に苦しむ人は?
正解A:womanizer[女たらし] 問題文訳:一夫一婦制を望んでいると言いながら、複数の女性と定期的に性的関係を持つ男性は?
正解B:egotistical[自己中心的] 問題文訳:自分は他の誰よりも非常に重要で、かつ/または才能があり、賢いと思っている人は?