[Whatever] [whenever] [wherever] [however ~] はそれぞれ [anything] [anytime] [anywhere] [no matter how ~]に置き換えることができます。
[Whatever] [whenever] [wherever] [however ~]を使って下記の文を完成させてください。
My friend buys things ( ) he goes.
He is always relaxed, ( ) the situation.
We eat curry ( )we go to Bandai.
( ) hard he tried, he couldn’t finish the race.
( ) I see you, I feel happy.
whatever = anything (a house, a car, a lifetime pass Disneyland, etc.)
whenever = anytime (tonight, tomorrow, 1:00 PM, 2:00 AM, in five years, etc.)
wherever = anywhere (my house, your house, Tokyo, London, etc.)
however (fun) = no matter how (fun) (a little fun, a little of fun, the most fun day of all, etc.)
My friend buys things ( wherever ) he goes. ※wheneverを使った解答例:My friend buys things ( whenever ) he goes to Donkihote.
He is always relaxed, ( whatever ) the situation.
We eat curry ( whenever ) we go to Bandai.
( However ) hard he tried, he couldn’t finish the race. =No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t finish the race.
( Whenever / Wherever )I see you, I feel happy.
